Comic Book Bears Podcast

Comic Book Bears Podcast Issue #187 - Cross of Swords, Ten of Swords, Cross of Swords, Ten of Swords



The Comic Book Bears Podcast returns with another episode breaking down what is happening over in Marvel's X of Swords crossover - specifically Wolverine #6, X-Force #13, Maurauders #13 and Hellions #5. Between Storm being a total badass in Wakanda and the introduction of a new, formidable adversary for Logan in the new character Solem there is a lot to chat about. Steve, Bill and Bryan get in some more comic talk spotlighting Penultimateman, Be Gay Make Comics and Hawkman. And framing the comic talk are topics and tangents galore including politics, QAnon, what Bill's dad did in the 70's, HBO's The Vow and much, much more. (Please also note that on this episode, Bryan is very, very low in the mix. We tried to fix it in the edit but it may require turning the volume up and down a few times. Sorry folks.)