Comic Book Bears Podcast

Comic Book Bears Podcast Issue #104 - A Bear Grrrs in Baltimore



Bryan, Steve and Bill are in the CBB cave this week and we start the show off with an announcement about ... the show. (Fair warning - it just might give you a frowny face.) We then move on to hearing about Bill's time at this year's Baltimore Comic Con. After that we bring on a whole lotta comic talk with bandwidth dedicated to DC Rebirth titles (The Flash, Superman, Supergirl), Frank Cho's Skybourne, The Flintstones, Die Kitty Die, East of West, Everafter: From the Pages of Fables and a great Beatles-related graphic novel which isn't The Fifth Beatle! Intro: Bear in Heaven - "Reflections of You" Outro: Bob Seger and the Lost Heard - "East Side Story"