Comic Book Bears Podcast

Comic Book Bears Podcast Issue #19 - OSC v. CBB



Orson Scott Card's upcoming story arc on the new Adventures of Superman was all over the news and the Comic Book Bears boys weigh in on the controversy for most of the episode. They still get in some new comics talk and cover Batman #17, New Avengers, a bad bearish hottie in Earth 2, Rotworld, Batman and Robin Annual #1, Wolverine and the X-Men, Secret Avengers #1, Batman Incorporated, Ramon Perez, FF, Green Arrow #17, Uncanny X-Men, Uncanny Avengers, New Avengers, Hawkeye #7, Legion Lost #16, Sword of Sorcery and creative changes in the Green Lantern titles.  They also weigh in with what they think would be great TV shows based on comic properties.  Flame On, Art and Franco and Aw Yeah Comics and our new friends at BearNerd get some love. Plus Bryan offers up some tales of comic shopping while on the road for work and Billy Z and Justin disagree BIG TIME about a nearly two year old anniversary comic.