Get Automated Podcast With Kelsey Bratcher

020 - From No Automation Crazy Pants To Your Outsourced Happy Dance With Dina Lynch Eisenberg



We are 20 episodes deep and this one is a home run thanks to Dina Lynch Eisenberg with Outsource Easier. Dina brought something special to the 20th episode with her wonderful charm and extensive knowledge of outsourcing and automation. The Get Automated Podcast is always improving from week to week, but this one moved the bar way up. Not only is it a great follow up to last week’s episode. Keeping the theme of the legal industry. Really, the topics discussed can be applied to all small business types. But the information shared really has the power to transform your life. You have to do something with it. Downloading the episode would be a great start. Kelsey Bratcher and Dina cover, using video as a great way to indoctrinate your leads and clients. Dina has some great tips on how to ease into using video for your business. They also dive into how you need to delegate the proper tasks to the proper staff or experts so you can spend your time growing your business. Not just surviving in your business. Dina sha