Get Automated Podcast With Kelsey Bratcher

019 - A Lawyer And Abraham Lincoln Roll Up To A DUI Check Point With Allen Rodridguez



The Get Automated Podcast Episode 19 is here. Download and listen to this week's episode as your host Kelsey Bratcher and his guest Allen Rodriguez freely engage in the Unauthorized Practice of Automation (Lawyers will get the joke). That's right, we have another podcast with someone from the legal industry. However, this week things are a little different. Allen Rodriguez is not a lawyer, his is someone who has helped lawyer's with the business side of having practice for about twenty years. Allen has also been experimenting with automation for about that long as well. Let's put it this way his introduction into automation involved a fax machine and 28.8K modem. Before he founded his company ONE400 he worked at LeagalZoom. Allen has taken may of his enterprise level experiences and distilled them down for use with small businesses. Here are a few topics that get explored this week. If you are a lawyer and you are not using automation then you are missing on a great way to hang on to a greater number of leads