Down South Hunting Podcast

Episode 015- Deer Hunting Scent Control w/ John Eberhart and Dan Infalt- Part 3



Series Finale! We talk to Dan Infalt, the "Big Buck Serial Killer" from Wisconsin and a Michigan legend John Eberhart about their unique scent control tactics. We interviewed these guys separately and have combined the interviews into a 3-part series. Both hunters have had tremendous success hunting mature bucks on public land. They don't pull any punches when it comes to comparing their scent control tactics and how they differ. Dan Infalt Dan grew up and has lived in SE Wisconsin his whole life. He was the youngest of 11 children. Because he grew up without much money, hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering were more of a way to survive than a hobby. Dan now works as a Prototype machinist. On the side he teaches workshops where he shares his personal scouting and hunting tactics, showing students the properties he hunts while examining some of his most successful set-ups on mature whitetail deer. Dan and his tactics have been featured in many magazines, such as Field & Stream, Deer & Deer Hunting,