Reels & Wheels

Used Cars with Thomas Maddin - Reels and Wheels



Used Cars (1980) is a film with no good guys in it at all. Every character - even the dog - behaves reprehensibly. And it's funny. James and Sid are joined by actor/comedian Thomas Maddin (who also happens to work in car sales) to talk about a movie that pulls no punches when it comes to cars and politics. Kurt Russell stars as a used car salesman with political ambitions in a corrupt world, caught in the middle of a family feud over the car lot he works on. It's a unique movie for Reels and Wheels in that it has so many cars, it's hard to pick a few to focus on (outside of the iconic Edsel). What made Edsel synonymous with failure? What can we learn from this movie's take on corrupt politics leading up to this year's ridiculous presidential election? What about those outfits?! Subscribe to Reels and Wheels on iTunes or Stitcher and leave feedback! Find us online - @SidBridgeComedy, @S2KJames, @ReelsandWheels and our guest, @ThomasMaddin