Right After Breakfast

S01: Using the Internet as a Business Partner with Travis Marziani



Travis Marziani works on one of three different businesses. A dance clothing business called BDancewear, his newest business called Performance Nut Butter, and a teacher of e-commerce(internet marketing, creating businesses, and entrepreneurship). Travis is a great example of the new age internet entrepreneur. Although he does a lot of work from his home, he still manages to found, grow, and run multiple businesses across different industries and platforms. Not to mention he is also a podcast host! Wow, suddenly I feel like I’m underachieving here. Twenty years ago Travis’ career path wouldn't have even made sense. He’s only one person, so how is he even able to run so many businesses at once? One business is hard enough to start and succeed at. Well that’s where the internet has come into play in so many peoples career lives. Travis is able to go through the steps of starting a business, and maintain that business without dedicating all of his time to it. This has made it possible to gain income from an init