Right After Breakfast

S01: When Sharing Your Passion is Your Passion with Andrew Tyree



Andrew Tyree is the founder of Coast to Costa. A travel company that organizes personalized, guided tours of Mexico, Spain and Cuba. Each trip delivers unique, highly localized travel experiences with an emphasis on the food, wine, and culture of the region. Andrew is a guy that’s always looking for adventure. He found his passion through travel. And like many discover, he loved other countries and cultures. But how can you possibly make a career out of something like that? Sometimes you have to think a little outside of the box with the things you love. Andrew also loved sharing new places and cultures with others. Helping and setting them up with places he knew about was a passion that was possibly even deeper than exploring them himself. It turned out he was pretty good at this, and that he could make it a career. Isn't it funny that when we think about how we can help others it often gives us the answer!   Find Andrew Online: Website - http://www.coasttocosta.com/ Facebook - @coasttocosta Instagram - @coa