Smiles & Faces Orthodontics

Early signs of crowded teeth in a child



Excerpts from this PODCAST between orthodontist Dr Andrew Chang and pediatric dentist Dr Diane Tay are: 2:00- Well positioned baby teeth or crowded baby teeth are a concern. 3:00- Adult front teeth erupting behind baby teeth are a sign of crowded adult teeth. 3:50- Baby teeth nice and straight in a 4-6 year old are a sign of crowded adult teeth in future. There should be gaps between the baby front teeth. 4:50- Does removing baby teeth when baby teeth are crowded help to allow adult front teeth to erupt? 5:40- Crowded baby teeth in a 6 yr old is managed differently from a 10 yr old. 7:20- Does removing baby teeth early or late affect how the adult tooth comes through? 8:00- For front teeth, some improvement can be expected but it would not come into alignment. 8:40- In a 10-12 yr old, when you see double rows of baby and  adult teeth, removing back baby teeth would help with the adult teeth erupting. 9:40- For front teeth, removing a baby front tooth early often "robs Peter to pay Paul" later. 10:40- For shar