Taking Care of Your Business Means Taking Care of Yourself, Episode 95



Continuing on this season’s theme of growing your business skills, we’re spending this episode talking the importance of taking care of yourself. Maybe that sounds touchy-feely, or like it doesn’t have any place in a business discussion, but I can personally attest that taking care of yourself is one of the best investments you can ever make in your business. In this episode I’m chatting with Cory Miller and Pippin Williamson, creators of iThemes and Easy Digital Downloads, respectively. Both Cory and Pippin have publicly written and spoken about the important role mental health has played in their businesses. I consider these guys pillars of success in the WordPress community and it’s absolutely refreshing to hear them acknowledge how critical personal wellness is to running your business. Join us for a fun and frank conversation on what it means to take care of yourself so that you’re able to take care of your business.