Investing in Your Business, Episode #90



When your business is young and cash isn’t exactly pouring in, it’s tough to know when to take financial risks. Sometimes it’s a $40 risk on a plugin, sometimes it’s a $4,000 risk on hiring some help. But how do you make sure you’re taking the right risks? Being the owner/operator of your business means you will need take financial risks to grow, so the question is not “will I take risks”, but rather “how do I be smart about risks?” Join me on this episode with Brad Touesnard of Delicious Brains (if you don’t recognize his company, you’ll like recognize his flagship product: WP Migrate DB Pro). Brad started as an independent web developer and has grown into a full-on business-owner, supporting his career and the folks that work with him. We’ll talk about the evolution of freelancer to employer and hear Brad’s experience on taking risks to grow a busines