Science... Sort Of

289 - Fossil Field Trip: Calvert Cliffs



00:00:00 - Abe, Bev, and Ryan went fossil hunting! This time they took a trip out to the shores of Chesapeake Bay, but first. What is the Chesapeake Bay, how did it get there, and what was the climate like when the fossils they ended up finding were forming? We chat about that, mostly informed by Roadside Geology of Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. and with a dramatic reading from Fossil Collecting in the Mid-Atlantic States: With Localities, Collecting Tips, and Illustrations. 00:19:11 - Listen, the fossils have been there for millions of years, they can wait until after you've had a beer. After some prompting, Bev decides to go first with a Réserve Ale from Ponysaurus Brewing Co. Ryan's up next with some Starfire from Crooked Run Brewing which reveals a deep love of passionfruit. And Abe finishes the lineup with a HOPness Monster IPA leading to some pretty terrible 'dad' jokes.  00:29:19 - Next up, we get to the actual fossil hunting grounds. Results at Calvert Cliffs State Park are suboptimal, but