Science... Sort Of

Ep 241: Science... sort of - Botanivores



00:00:00 - (Beginning with a brief plug from Joe seeking volunteers for a cool STEM even in the LA area, check it out here.) But today's actual first topic is part one of our interview with Matt Candeias, Ph.D. student as well as author and host of the In Defense of Plants blog and podcast (which you can support on Patreon). We talk about his research into rare versus common grassland species, and what made him want to get into science outreach, particularly as a promoter of plants. In our typical rambling style, we also touch on a number of other topics, including how computers used to be rooms full of women. 00:52:06 - You may need to compute some things if you want to make your own booze, but it doesn't take much math to enjoy the final product. Patrick is again disappointed to learn that Ryan has also tried the beer he's having this week, the Faceplant IPA from Lost Rhino Brewing Company, whom we've interviewed before. Matt keeps it local with the Paw Paw Tripel from Scratch Brewing Company. And Ryan quiz