Real Sobriety Podcast

Real Sobriety Ep. 68



I was wrong about "Change." The recovery "fairy tale" is indeed, just a myth. This is the 68th episode of this podcast, and I know that many times in the course of these installments, I’ve used cliches like “the courage to change” or “choosing to change.” I’m here today to admit my short coming. My late father once told me that the four most powerful words in the English language are “I may be wrong.” Well, I was. The more I learn about myself, and the close friends I admire in the recovery community, the more I realize that recovery is a whole lot more about self discovery than it is about changing who we are. My recovery is more about connection than criticism and change. When we encourage someone to change, we are telling them that they are not good enough as they are. I never want to make that mistake again. I may be wrong.