Science... Sort Of

Ep 76: Science... sort of - Alien Ant Farm



00:00:00 – Fungus and ants have a complex relationship, sometimes the ants are farming the fungus, other times the fungi are infecting the ants in the brain and reprogramming their behavior for their own nefarious needs. Tit for tat, right? The Paleopals bring on Kelly Weinersmith to talk cordyceps and other parasitic "pests" in our great weird world.   00:30:43 – After the horrors of infestation we all could use a good drink. Jacob tries to impress, Patrick has a present from the wife and Ryan talks about his own infected beer much to Patrick's envy.   00:38:39 - You know things are bad when LA is your only hope, but that's the situation in this week's Trailer Trash Talk where the guys are chatting Battle: Los Angeles For those who are curious Brian Dunning did an episode of Skeptoid about the Battle of Los Angeles which is well worth your time once you're done with all the back episodes of Science... sort of. Ryan, on the other hand, compares this movie to some comic he read called Irredeemable, where the