Science... Sort Of

Ep 74: Science... sort of - Return of the Lion King



00:00:00 – This week on the show: The Paleopals featuring the Yeti! Sounds like a good band, right? A band of knuckleheads!   00:01:40 – Turns out some animals are stealing the limelight, literally. An oriental wasp is found to be solar charging it's yellowed-butt and a slug is eating, incorporating and reproducing stolen photosynthetic genes!   00:22:01 – What are you drinking? Taking a back seat to science but never a backseat to flavor. The Paleopals have nothing too surprising save Patrick who rolls in a PaleoPOW from Craig L. that is definitely NOT spam but can definitely be seen in the new gallery Art... sort of! 00:27:36 – Trailer Trash Talk this week is the story of something you might actually find on a trailer or in a trash heap... a tire! A tire named Robert, who has some issues with humanity in the new horror/comedy Rubber. (which was actually suggested by listener Jeff Sykes!)   00:39:09 – Eusociality is a tricky thing, so we waited for Justin to come back on and explain it to us. This new cont