Healthy Births, Happy Babies | Prenatal Care | Natural Birth | Pregnancy | Pediatrics

121: Dads & Postpartum: 7 Ways Dads Can Best Support Moms During Postpartum



Today's guest on the podcast! (Dr. Jay Warren, prenatal and pediatric chiropractor, member of APPPAH (and PPNE candidate) and the ICPA as well as podcast host of The Dadhood Journey.) In this episode, Dr. Jay will: Go over 7 ways that Dads can support their partner during the postpartum period so that they feel loved, supported and nurtured (yes, rubbing their feet every night again is one of them!). Resources mentioned in the conversation: the podcast episode where I talk about how Dads-to-be can best support their partner during pregnancy: HBHB Episode #120 to learn more about Dr. Jay's online program for pregnant women, Connecting with Baby: About Dr. Jay Warren: Dr. Jay Warren has been a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor for 17 years. He is also the Wellness Care Coordinator at the CAP Wellness Center in San Diego, CA where 90% of his practice is pregnant or postpartum women and babies under one year old. Dr. Jay is a proud member of the ICPA and APPPAH (the Associati