Healthy Births, Happy Babies | Prenatal Care | Natural Birth | Pregnancy | Pediatrics

120: 9 Ways Dads Can Best Support Moms During Pregnancy | Dr. Jay Warren



Guest: Dr. Jay Warren, prenatal and pediatric chiropractor, member of APPPAH (and PPNE candidate) and the ICPA as well as podcast host of The Dadhood Journey. In this episode, Dr. Jay will: Go over 9 ways that Dads-to-be can support their partner during pregnancy so that they feel loved, supported and nurtured (yes, rubbing their feet every night is one of them!). Resources mentioned in the conversation: Penny Simkin's book: The Birth Partner and the link to my podcast interview with her on it the link to the podcast interview I did with Dr. Bruce Lipton about the effect of STRESS on pregnancy and the baby to learn more about Dr. Jay's online program for pregnant women, Connecting with Baby: About Dr. Jay Warren: Dr. Jay Warren has been a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor for 17 years. He is also the Wellness Care Coordinator at the CAP Wellness Center in San Diego, CA where 90% of his practice is pregnant or postpartum women and babies under one year old. Dr. Jay is a proud memb