Terrible Warriors

Meet the Makers: Matthew Orr



We're not finished with GenCon yet. We couldn't leave the exhibit hall without checking out the physical copy of Never Going Home. Matthew Orr is one of the founders of Wet Ink Games and the creator of Never Going Home, a World War One era RPG in which the characters battle against both the twisted Whispers, that have broken through the veil unleashing horrors into our world, and the loss of their own humanity.  We break down what to expect in this game as well as some of the other offerings from Wet Ink Games and how this whole thing came to be in the first place.  Follow Wet Ink Games on Facebook at facebook.com/WetInkGames/ To get your own copy of Never Going Home visit their Drive Thru RPG page: drivethrurpg.com/product/283637/Never-Going-Home Check out Wild Skies: Europa Tempest: drivethrurpg.com/product/215426/Wild-Skies-Europa-Tempest And consider supporting the Tenebria: Remnant of Rome Kickstarter project: kickstarter.com/projects/2103068465/tenebria-remnant-of-rome Terrible Warriors is made possi