The Truth About Living Podcast

010: The Most Beautiful Gratitude Technique in the World



Do you want to really and truly feel appreciation for what you have in the current moment when you have it? Let me share with you this beautiful gratitude technique that can really impact your day, your life, and your relationships in a profound way. Visit for the complete show notes of every podcast episode. Topics Discussed in this Episode: The practice of gratitude and how it impacts your life The difference between mindfulness and presence The powerful experience this technique brings Key Takeaways: Gratitude makes us happier people. When you live with that outlook in life, your happiness level just ratchets up. Mindfulness is being in the moment without any judgment about the moment, just experiencing what is. Presence is being in the moment and having that moment imbued with all of who you are. The objective of this technique is to embrace the current moment with profound appreciation, presence, and joy. By doing this technique, you’re going to be mentally in t