The Truth About Living Podcast

316OE: The Accumulation Effect - A Powerful Part of Successful Business Building



What is the accumulation effect and how can it ultimately lead to success? Today, I want to share with you that there is a beautiful thing that happens when you focus on one thing and consistently put energy into it. Listen, enjoy, and be inspired! 6 Key Takeaways According to Tony Robbins, most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in a decade. What happens to a lot of us is we let our energy get dispersed by focusing on too many things at once. When you’re staying on a particular course and you continue to put energy and momentum into it, even when the initial enthusiasm wanes, something magical happens. There is a cumulative effect of your work. When you single-mindedly pursue an endeavor, you will accumulate knowledge, skills, contacts, networks, etc. over time. You will also gain a level of confidence from doing so. When you’re running a content-based business, Gary Vaynerchuk says that you must document what you’re doing because people will be draw