The Truth About Living Podcast

314ACIM: Spiritual Awakening, Dark Nights of the Soul & Depression - Part 1



Have you ever questioned why we are here and wondered about the nature of our reality? Today, I begin the first part of the lengthy topic of spiritual awakening by discussing what it is, what A Course in Miracles says about the ego and separation from God, and why some people seem to lose their minds when they are awakened. Join me as I explore the nature of reality and the truth of who we are. 6 Key Takeaways When you awaken to the truth of who you are, you realize there’s a dichotomy of nothing means anything and yet everything means something. There’s a dichotomy of meaning and lack of meaning. The ego is the part of us that would have us believe that we’re separate from God. ACIM says this supposed separation from God that our ego would have us believe never really occurred because we could never be separate from God. When you become right-minded, a miracle is occurring because you are being your true self and leaving the ego behind. You are operating from the state of your truth. The ego is everything