The Truth About Living Podcast

299ACIM: Sickness & Illness: How Much Control Do We Really Have?



I want to share today some text lifted from A Course in Miracles about the idea of sickness and how that relates to right perception as opposed to wrong perception. How do we affect something in our lives when it is seemingly outside of our control? Let’s explore this together.    8 Key Takeaways We have a hand on a lot of what happens in our lives. We create unconsciously much of the time, and we also create consciously with intention as well.  A Course in Miracles teaches us that sickness is very much within our control. Abraham Hicks says that we place physical limitations on ourselves that are utterly unnecessary. According to A Course in Miracles, only perception can be sick because only perception can be wrong. Wrong perception is the wish that things be as they are not. Sickness is a sign of one’s separation from God. When you come back to being one God, sickness ceases to exist. When we think about controlling sickness, we think about medicine, science, genetics, etc. That’s how we grasp cont