The Truth About Living Podcast

296OE: "What-If" Coaching: Take This Opportunity to Explore Your Next Phase of Life & Business



In today’s episode, I’m introducing “what-if” coaching and describing it to you so you can see whether it fits with where you are now in your business and life. “What-if” coaching is an exploration that I do with my clients of what the next phase of their lives could look like if they allow themselves to dream. I invite you to explore the very fabric of your life with the thought-provoking questions I present in this episode.   5 Key Takeaways Taking a whole new path could be scary, but it may naturally be a part of who you are and may take much less effort than the original project or business that you’ve been focusing on. You can fail at something that you don’t even like, so why not go after the thing that you love? We tell our children to dream big, yet we tell ourselves to play it safe. We contradict ourselves and yet we don’t even realize it. If you’re limiting yourself and your mind, then you’re limiting what unfolds in your life. If you believe that only a few special people ever really get