The Truth About Living Podcast

UP: Fertility: 10 Ideas to Increase Your Chance of Having a Baby & Shift Your Energetic State: My True Story



Today’s episode is a continuation of last week’s episode, Faith in Fertility. I want to share what I did to tip the energetic scales in my favor for having another child. I’m talking about everything from feng shui to traditional and non-traditional techniques. If you are on a fertility/infertility journey or if you’ve been wanting a child and you’re struggling with the decision whether to give up or not, I would like to support you. I hope this episode will be of help to you.   10 Key Takeaways Acupuncture treatments can help your body and energetic flow to create space for a child. You can do guided meditation throughout the whole process, from conception to pregnancy to childbirth. Do them before you fall asleep at night. In feng shui, elephants symbolize fertility. If you put an elephant outside your bedroom door at the doorway, you draw in good energy for conception and for carrying the child to term. Having an elephant with the trunk down is supposed to be a very strong symbol for fertility. A fi