The Truth About Living Podcast

293FF: I Screwed Up



People will not always agree with you when you put yourself out there. And I am not infallible. I am a human being and I screw up sometimes. I hope the story I am sharing with you today will uplift and inspire you! Enjoy!   5 Key Takeaways A lot of people who go into business, especially people in online business, who make themselves their brand, there’s often a message that they are either explicitly or implicitly taught, which is that, if you can be controversial in some way, then it’s a good thing. Being controversial can mean a lot of things – you can take that as far as you want to. But controversial can just mean you are digging your heels in with what you believe, and you’re not going to be wishy-washy about any of it. Those people in the business of making themselves their own brand become controversial for two reasons: One, because it may be part of their belief system, and two, because from a marketing perspective, if you can make some waves, any attention is a good attention. Sometimes