The Truth About Living Podcast

290UP: Faith in Fertility: Sharing My Personal Story of Miscarriage, Birth, Doubt and Faith



Today, I wanted to take some time to talk about this topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I wanted to use this platform to share my story, to uplift and inspire you, and to show a degree of respect and understanding for those of you who may be in this journey. And if hope is something that you are seeking, I would like to support you in that.   9 Key Takeaways When there is something that you really want and you pursue it with everything you’ve got and it looks like it’s not happening, sometimes your faith is tested and sometimes your faith grows as a part of this process. Sometimes the “rewards” come sooner for some things than others. On this road to fertility, every single ovulation strip, every single pregnancy test is an act of faith. Even with all these teachings of the law of attraction, visualization, prayer and faith and all these things, there is still this element of life where, as much as you believe that you can have what you want, there is a degree of uncertainty. In those situ