The Truth About Living Podcast

289ACIM: Vision and Holiness



What do you see when you look around you? Where do your thoughts come from? In today’s episode, I discuss Lesson 45 of A Course in Miracles and what vision, true perception, and salvation really mean.    5 Key Takeaways We think with the mind of God. He shares His thoughts with us and we share our thoughts with Him. Eyesight is more related to illusion because we only see matter with our eyes. Vision has to do more with seeing the holiness of everything and everyone around us.  True perception is seeing through the eyes of Christ in us.  It sees everything as perfect and holy. It is the opposite of false or conventional perception which sees a world of sin. Salvation is being saved from the experience of separation from God.  When you encounter another person, it is a holy experience because Christ is in all of us.   Quotes “Vision is a deeper understanding or seeing of reality than what your eyes are showing you.” “Every encounter with another person is a holy experience.”   Resources mentioned