The Truth About Living Podcast

264FF: The Seductive Deception of "Following Your Excitement": Distracting You from Your True Dreams?



Has someone ever told you to “follow your excitement”? One thing that we hear a lot is that it is wise to follow your excitement, and it seems like really good advice. Well, today, this phrase is up for debate. Find out why and see for yourself whether or not “following your excitement” is actually serving you at the point where you are in your life.   6 Key Takeaways There is so much value in everything that we do, it’s not all about just this one big purpose that we haven’t figured out yet. But if you feel that there is something deeper that you’re drawn to, then maybe following your excitement around that will make sense. Something that can be deceiving about “following your excitement” is following your excitement to the detriment of the focus on your bigger, deeper mission. If you’re happy in your pursuit, then it’s all good. But if you feel that you’re following your excitement and it’s more of the shiny object syndrome, then you might want to question: Is this what I want to be doing? Is this