The Truth About Living Podcast

254FF: Why Isn't Being "Still" and Listening Working? Tips for Patience in Meditation



Podcast Change is Coming UP February 1st! Please vote for your favorite podcast series at Vote for Mindful Mondays, Free Flow Tuesdays, A Course in Miracles Wednesdays, Universal Parenting Thursdays, Online Entrepreneurship Fridays, or vote for all 5. Bridgett needs to hear you! Why isn't it working? Ever that experience where you meditated in hopes of quieting the mind and enter that still space where the answers you seek are awaiting you? We hear "Be still and listen," and yet, why is our mind so active that we can't even hear a thing? In this podcast episode, Bridgett helps explain 3 scenarios why this happens and how to proceed with patience and dedication, so that yes, the answers will emerge from the stillness you seek. Let's connect. Book a free 2-hour coaching session. Get the course: The Divine Way of Manifesting - 5 Simple Steps Join the fb