The Truth About Living Podcast

161UP: Money & Kids: Teaching Prosperity Consciousness to Our Children



The words we use to talk with our children about money, being able to afford something or calling things expensive are powerful shapers of their reality and their destiny. Let's have a conversation around teaching them their power and instilling a beautiful belief system in their minds around money at a young age. 3 Key Takeaways Have real conversations about how you want to spend money. When teaching your kids about money, rather than using words based in lack, based in scarcity, based in not enough, based in diminishing their power of what they can create in this world, you can have real conversations about how you want to spend your money as parents and what things you think are best for your kids, because that does fall on you as parents. Shift your language. Rather than putting a monetary value on something and saying that it’s expensive, shift your words into saying it’s important and why it’s important. Help your children to own their power to create the life they choose. Notice your language when you