The Truth About Living Podcast

159FF: Intuition Plays the Long Game, Trust It



7 Key Takeaways Intuition plays the long game. What your intuition was saying to you in the past may have led you to something appearing to not work out so that you could get to a next step for what was going to work out for you. Intuition has a higher vantage point. We are so prone to think in the short term but our intuition has a greater view of things and sees the bigger picture. There’s a trust quality with intuition that it’s not going to lead you astray. When it seems as though in the past, when you followed your intuition, things didn’t work out, ask yourself: Are you seeing the bigger picture? Are you able to look beyond that one circumstance? Trusting your intuition can show up in any area of your life. You may have an intuition about someone close to you, a relationship you’re in, or something for your body. Be brave. Listening to your intuition may require some bravery. When you listen to intuition, a new path is opened up to you. And this path leads to a magnificent future that is designed for y