Samurai Archives Japanese History Podcast

EP20 Intro to Japanese History P11 - Prelude to the Sengoku



In this episode of our Introduction to Japanese History series, we look at the 15th century and the build up to the Onin war, and what would ultimately lead to the age of the country at war - the Sengoku period. Mentioned in this podcast: Durston, Diane. Old Kyoto: The Updated Guide to Traditional Shops, Restaurants, and Inns Kodansha USA; 2 edition (April 1, 2005) Grossberg, Kenneth. From Feudal Chieftain to Secular Monarch: The Development of Shogunal Power in Early Muromachi Japan Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring, 1976), pp. 29-49 Grossberg, Kenneth. Japan's Renaissance - The Politics of the Muromachi Bakufu Cornell University, New York, 2001 Mason, Penelope. History of Japanese Art Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (October 4, 2004) Souryi, Pierre. The World Turned Upside Down: Medieval Japanese Society (As