Soulful Mba

124 Trends in Online Business: Spring 2019



In this episode, we take a look at some of the current trends in online business we’re noticing in the Spring of 2019. From Facebook groups to the “new” Pinterest to shifts in membership and subscription model businesses to the rise of nanoinfluencers and IGTV.   We dive into five exciting trends that we’ve been noticing, both on social media and in online business in general, over the past few months. We give you our take on what’s working, what’s not, and how you can embrace some of these changes, rather than be overwhelmed by them.   By the end of this episode, you’ll have some concrete evidence of the powerful role Facebook groups still play in connecting us, as well as what to make of the new ads that are going to be popping up all over your Pinterest feed! In addition, we take a look at the exciting shifts big brands are taking toward nanoinfluencers and WHY you should consider becoming an early adopter of IGTV.   Key Points From This Episode:      Why many women are only on Facebook for the groups.