Soulful Mba

Office Hours: Inbox



This quick episode shares our five rules for sending cold emails. By following these simple guidelines, you’re much more likely to receive a positive response (or any response at all). Introduce yourself. Dropping a note to a new person? Want to pitch yourself for a podcast guest spot or a guest blog post? Please share a bit about yourself and include a link for how to learn more about you. Be authentic. Personalize with context or, even better, a compliment. Don’t blast people a blanket request without any personalization. Let the person receiving the message know that you’ve actually engaged with her/his content. State the value proposition. What’s in it for the person receiving the message? Use complete sentences. Maybe even proofread? Enough said. Have a specific call-to-action. What do you want the person to do? What action would you like for her to take?