Soulful Mba

01 Story



Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Soulful MBA Podcast! Today’s episode is an introduction to the two of us and our vision for this project. Jennifer Barcelos and Sandy Connery are the co-founders of the Namastream Software platform and the Soulful MBA online course and community. Although we come from very different backgrounds, we found common ground as ambitious moms looking to break into an industry dominated by young men. This is the story of our meeting and our intuitively-driven decision to go into business together.   About Jennifer: I believe that starting a technology company has been the single most empowering experience of my life and I want to use what I’ve learned to empower other entrepreneurs and small business owners to master their own technical prowess. I’m a recovering adrenaline junkie — formerly obsessed with both the thrill of danger and the ego boost of achievement. I’m a lawyer, a mama, an artist, a yogi… I have traveled to very dangerous places — both out in the world, but also