Living Life Fearless

What's our top 25 albums of 2019?



It’s that time of the year again! It’s time we try to sit down and come to a consensus about our Top 25 Albums of the year. It’s a lengthy discussion full of eccentric picks and notable snubs. But before we get into that debate we discuss Greta Thunberg, 50 Cent’s problem with Oprah, Star Wars, and more. Check the full episode out above and tell us your thoughts, comments, and questions about the topics in the episode. 00:02:53 – Gustav Klimt’s stolen ‘Portrait of a Lady’ has been found 23 years later 00:07:50 – How do we feel about Greta Thunberg being named Person of the Year? 00:14:15 – Does 50 Cent have a point about Oprah? 00:28:06 – Our side Star Wars and JJ Abrams rant 00:40:34 – Top 25 Albums of 2019 Debate Topic Suggestions, Questions, or Comments: Relevant Links: Intro Song: Ryan Little - Two Step