Ascend Podcast

AP 72: Perceptions of Reality - Jennifer Sodini



Topics Disscussed: Cosmic networks, Universal living mind. Power of thoughts, Waking up, Seven Hermetic Principles, Connectivity, Spirituality in society Our reality is like a ever growing garden, each day we see the beautiful bloom which we are given from the flowers we grow, we can never understand why we are so fascinated with this, but we are so lost in its beauty that it will have us locked in forever. This is what this episode is about, its about really exploring the mind and the fascinating concept of why some people see this beautiful garden and other people cant. We delve deep in to the cosmic work of Jennifer Sodini, where we discuss cosmic networks, and how they hold relevance to us, the power of a universal living mind. And we discuss in depth on what our thoughts are made of, so stay tuned for this power house of an episode.    Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes -