Ascend Podcast

AP 70: Spiritual Warfare - Gavin Nascimento



Topics Discussed: Spiritual world, DMT, Ayahuasca, Evil demons, The darknes, The absolute truth, Earth intellencge, pure consciousness, Universe communication,  We all know that there are intelligence and realms beyond our knowing, all around us and there are places where we can fractionally slip into to learn and to even gain a more understanding into who we are, which can be achieved through many different practices. All these different practices seem to be a bridge between two worlds that expands your consciousness beyond your five-sensory default reality so you can experience more. In this podcast we focus mainly on the practice and journey through the transcendental entheogenic doorway of aywasca, the medicine seems to opens doors to the truths about past, present, & future, and self, other, & life stories which enables deep healing, clarity, and the beginning of a new transformation.  Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - http://ascendbodymin