Ascend Podcast

AP 63: Adventure Of Life - Jon Levy



Topics We Covered in this Podcast:  Cultre Oprating Systems  If the mind is given nothing, no sensory input, no stimulation? The Gentic Gene Pool  How enviorments effect Consciousness   Great Philosphers and Thinkers  Now more than ever people, need a wake up, many people are trapped in their 9-5 routine, going home to the same faces, the same four walls to talk about the same conversation that you did yesterday and the day before. There once was a time in your life where everyday was a new adventure, your mind could take you to places far beyond that of anything that this world could deliver. The beauty is though that adventure and life doesn't have to just be lost whenyou were a child, you can embrace adventure right now and take charge of this existence and become more free with each and every new experience you partake in. Jon Levy, discuss with us the prime understanding of the minds need for adventure and what truly influences the mind and imagination. This talk is deep and re