Ascend Podcast

AP 52: The Art of Seeking • Nic Gregoriades



Topics We Covered in this Podcast: Consciousness exploring this reality in a meat suit? The Upgrade in Thought  33 Billion 0000000000000.1 to one Information Overload  Chain of events  Energy  Influential people in society understanding the power of energy  Soul Albert Einstien has a quote saying Curiosity has it own reason for existence. He talks about how one cannot help but be in awe when we contemplate the mysteries of life and the structure of reality, and he said it is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day and it also seems to be in life and also the theme of this podcast that the fact that we are seeking truth, knowledge and wisdom is possibly the fact we are meant to be seeking. However along this journey it seems to be that everything turns in on its self, and you have to learn it all again and again. its like the more we know the more we don’t know.