Creator Talks Podcast

Samuel George London on The S-Factor



Samuel George London is a comic book writer and podcast host based in the U.K. We discuss why he developed his relatively recent interest in comic books and how he conceived and launched his popular Victorian space adventure series Milford Greene. The focus of our conversation though will be his latest work being published through Action Lab Comics, The S-Factor. It is a four-part series launching in June about an under-appreciated super hero sidekick, Greyfox, who decides to re-brand him self through a new reality TV series for super heroes called The S-Factor.  Twelve super heroine contestants must fight for his affection. Samuel shares which show inspired The S-Factor as well as his own personal experience taking part in a reality TV show.  His insight into the machinations and manipulations by associate producers to heighten emotions and tensions among contestants was fertile ground for the development of The S-Factor. Samuel also goes behind the scenes of the making of The S-Factor: the good fortun