Creator Talks Podcast

Gregg Schigiel on his Coloring and Children's Books



Gregg Schigiel began his professional career in 1997 working as an assistant editor for Marvel Comics, was character artist for Nickelodeon in 2000, and from 2010-2018 was a regular contributor to SpongeBob Comics.  One would think with such an impressive resume and experience, people would know how to pronounce his name. But no. We begin our discussion with an easy way to remember the correct pronunciation of Schigiel. With the formalities out of the way, things get personal.  I recall with Gregg the circumstances under which we first met, and the impact his work has had on my two boys.   Why are kids, and adults, attracted to Gregg's comics? How does he do it? In part, it's because Gregg never forgot what it was like to be a kid.   But there are things we do forget, and we recount some of the memories that come flooding back when we re-discover books that we read many, many years ago as kids.  Turning our attention to Gregg's books, we talk about his coloring books Zooperhero Universe and Uniquecorns.