Creator Talks Podcast

Heather Antos Senior Editor at Valiant Comics



Heather Antos was recently promoted to Senior Editor at Valiant Comics and joins Creator Talks for this interview.   Once Heather discovered editing comics was what she wanted to do as career, she felt it was too late to break into the business.   How did she overcome the odds to land a job at Marvel?  How does she harness Twitter as a force for good? And what the heck does that mean? We discussed some of the things an editor looks for in telling a story through comics books and gives an example of the perfect application of these techniques that blend script and sequential art.  Among Heather's editorial duties are overseeing the relaunched Shadowman and X-O Manowar series. We take a deep dive into the creative team on each series and their new direction. Heather has worked for Image and Marvel as well.  What new found freedom does she have at Valiant as an editor? We conclude by Kicking Back With the Creator as I ask Heather all my fun question including about the one that got away. Hear it here fir