Creator Talks Podcast

Chris Condon and neo-noir crime That Texas Blood



Chris Condon is the author of That Texas Blood (Image Comics) due out June 24th and is my guest on this installment of Creator Talks.  This neo-noir crime comic book series opens with 70 year-old Texas Sheriff Joe Bob Coates and the search for a casserole dish.  Chris Condon explains what makes his comic book a neo-noir crime story and how it has changed throughout its development from film to comic. I learn from Chris why Ambrose County, Texas is the perfect setting for the story, from it's unique culture to its haunting landscape. He also shares the experience of growing up in the small town of Metuchen, NJ including: who were some of the famous people that lived there and its food scene. Chris had a different childhood from the other kids in his neighborhood. His parents raised him on 1950s television and movies which had a significant impact on his writing style. Another major influence on Chris' writing was the unique educational experience he received working for director Joe Dante (Gremlins, The