Creator Talks Podcast

Todd Nauck on Gwen Stacy and Spider-Man



Todd Nauck is feverishly working away on a new Gwen Stacy series and he joins Creator Talks to give us an update. The series is the origin of Gwen Stacy, before she met Peter Parker in Amazing Spider-Man #31. Gwen Stacey is written by Christos Gage with interior art by Todd and covers by Adam Hughes. Issue #1 goes on sale February 12, 2020.   Will Spider-Man, his friends and foes appear in the series? Find out here! If Todd were to make a comic book of his origin story, what would he include? Todd and I discuss how he creates his comic art, his home studio and his YouTube channel.  We also talk about the reading, caring and feeding of our comics and collecting original art.  What special page of original comic art does Todd cherish?  When I Kick Back With The Creator I ask Todd what he likes for recreation, his favorite birthday, beverage of choice, and what advice he would give to young Todd Nauck. And what moment was a major turning point in his life?    All this is much more on this episode of Crea