Creator Talks Podcast

John Ward on String Theory, Spec Scripts & Scratcher



Writer John Ward is Creator Talks guest this week.  John is the writer of Offbeats and Ultrabot Go! Go! Go! created by Tom Sacchi (interview #169).  John has a four-part horror mini-series with art by Juan Romera and lettering by Eric Grissom. The first issue will be published September 4th through Antarctic Press. What's it about?  Vegas tattoo artist Dee discovers her clients are becoming possessed by the tattoos she gave them.  Her life is thrown into turmoil when she realizes her best friend Sarah has turned into a monstrous killer, seemingly controlled by her new tattoo.  A guilty Dee sets out to save Sarah, but soon finds herself out of her depth as she faces off against forces she can barely comprehend. - Diamond Previews Did you know John has a Ph. D. in physics and his thesis dealt with String Theory? Taking the show to a whole new level, John breaks down String Theory for us in layman's terms.   He also explains what is a spec script, why he writes them and what are his favorite shows are to bas