Hometown To Hollywood W/ Bonnie J Wallace

EP 121: Howard Meltzer, Casting Director



Today my guest on the Hometown to Hollywood podcast is casting director Howard Meltzer. Howard has cast for Broadway, Off-Broadway, CBS, Disney Channel, Fox, NBC, Netflix, Nickelodeon, Peacock, Sony Pictures Television Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Warner Brothers Television. He has been nominated for 22 Artios Awards for excellence in casting, winning the honor three times. He has served as the Vice President of the Casting Society of America and is currently a Governor of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. We cover a fantastic range in this conversation, from the differences in casting a pilot or movie vs. casting co-stars and guest stars; how far casting will look for the right actor for a role; how COVID has affected the casting process; whether and when it’s important for n actor to be in LA and how to decide when it might be time to come to LA; how an actor should approach a CD they don’t yet know; the role of parents in the casting process for younger actors, and much, much more. Listen