Buffy Virgin

Angel Season 3: Part 1



“I miss Pylea.” -Cordelia In Heart Throb, Angel takes on a vampire named James, and confronts the nature of loving someone who is dead. In That Vision Thing, Wolfram & Hart blackmails Angel with an assault on Cordelia’s psyche. The only way to save her is to rescue a mysterious man from a hell dimension.  In That Old Gang of Mine, this is the episode where we ask ourselves are there any good monsters and we learn why Gunn is never allowed back to Caritas, when his old crew takes on the demons.  In Carpe Noctem, Angel body swaps with a horny old man at a retirement home.  In Fredless, Winnifred’s family shows up at the hotel, and we say goodby to Winnifred...or do we? Bug monsters assault Angel’s hotel and Winnifred shows up to fight them just in time.  In Billy, there’s this guy named Billy and if he touches you – you commit misogynistic violence.  And finally, in Offspring, Angel struggles with his relationship with the very pregnant Darla and learns that not only is he a dad, but that there’s something